Three Different Strategies for Debouncing Requests in Ruby on Rails

Exploring Three Different Strategies for Debouncing Requests

Patrick Karsh
6 min readApr 10, 2023

Debouncing is a technique used in Ruby on Rails to handle multiple requests to a particular action or endpoint, ensuring that the action is only executed once, regardless of how many requests are received within a certain time interval. Here are three different strategies for debouncing requests in Ruby on Rails:

Using the ActiveSupport::Cache

The ActiveSupport::Cache module provides a simple way to cache responses and data in Ruby on Rails. In the case of debouncing, we can use it to store a flag that indicates whether the action has already been executed. When a request is received, we can check whether the flag is set, and if it is, we can return a cached response. If the flag is not set, we can execute the action and set the flag to indicate that it has been executed. This approach requires a caching backend to be set up, such as Memcached or Redis.

Using the rack-attack gem

Rack-attack is a popular gem in the Ruby on Rails community used for throttling and blocking abusive requests. It can also be used for debouncing requests. This gem provides a ‘throttle’ method, which can be used to limit the rate of requests to a particular endpoint. The throttle method takes two arguments: the name of the throttle, and a block that returns a key to identify the client making the request. The throttle method can be configured with options such as the number of requests allowed in a certain time period, the time period itself, and the response that should be sent to the client if the limit is exceeded.

Using the concurrent-ruby gem

The concurrent-ruby gem provides a number of synchronization primitives, including a ‘Delay’ class, which can be used to execute a block of code after a certain amount of time has elapsed. In the case of debouncing, we can create a Delay object that delays the execution of the action for a certain amount of time, and then execute the action only if no further requests are received during that time. This approach requires careful tuning of the delay time to ensure that legitimate requests are not blocked for too long.

Overall, the choice of debouncing strategy depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as the expected rate of requests, the desired response time, and the availability of external dependencies such as caching backends.

Example: Using ActiveSupport::Cache to Debounce Requests

ActiveSupport::Cache can be used to implement request debouncing in Ruby on Rails. Debouncing is a technique used to limit the frequency of execution of a function or a block of code. It’s useful when you have an event that triggers multiple times in quick succession, and you want to handle it only once.

Here’s an example of how you can use ActiveSupport::Cache to implement request debouncing in Ruby on Rails:

class MyController < ApplicationController
before_action :debounce_action, only: [:my_action]

def my_action
# do something


def debounce_action
key = "debounce:#{params[:id]}"
if Rails.cache.exist?(key)
# The action has already been executed recently, so we skip it
render json: { message: "Action skipped due to debounce" }, status: :ok
return false
# Set the cache key to prevent further execution of this action
Rails.cache.write(key, true, expires_in: 5.seconds)
return true

In this example, we’re using a before_action to call the debounce_action method before executing the my_action method. The debounce_action method checks if a cache key exists for the current request, and if it does, it skips the execution of the action and returns a response indicating that the action was skipped. If the cache key doesn't exist, it sets the key with a 5-second expiration time to prevent further execution of the action.

You can customize the key used to store the cache value depending on your use case. In this example, we’re using a unique key based on the id parameter passed to the action, but you could use any other unique identifier relevant to your specific use case.

By using the expires_in option, we're setting the cache key to expire after a certain amount of time, in this case 5 seconds. You can adjust the expiration time to suit your specific needs.

Overall, using ActiveSupport::Cache to debounce requests can be an effective way to prevent excessive execution of actions in Ruby on Rails.

Example: Using the concurrent-ruby gem to Debounce Requests

The concurrent-ruby gem is a great choice for handling concurrency and parallelism in Ruby. To debounce requests in Ruby on Rails using this gem, you can use the Concurrent::ScheduledTask class to schedule a task after a specified delay, effectively “debouncing” the task to prevent it from being executed too frequently.

Here’s a simple example of how you can achieve this in Ruby on Rails:

Add the concurrent-ruby gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install:

gem 'concurrent-ruby'

Create a new class, for example, Debouncer:

# app/services/debouncer.rb
require 'concurrent'

class Debouncer
def initialize(delay = 1)
@delay = delay
@scheduled_task = nil

def debounce(&block)
@scheduled_task.cancel if @scheduled_task.present? && !@scheduled_task.completed?
@scheduled_task = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(@delay, &block)

In the example above, we define a simple Debouncer class that takes an optional delay in seconds as its argument. The debounce method cancels any existing scheduled tasks and creates a new task with the specified delay, effectively debouncing the given block.

Use the Debouncer class in your controller or background job to debounce requests:

# app/controllers/some_controller.rb
class SomeController < ApplicationController
@@debouncer = # 1 second delay

def some_action
@@debouncer.debounce do
# Your code that needs debouncing
render json: { message: 'Request debounced' }


def some_expensive_operation
# Simulate an expensive operation
puts 'Operation executed'

In this example, we create an instance of the Debouncer class as a class variable and use it to debounce the some_expensive_operation method in the some_action controller action. The operation will only be executed once per second, even if some_action is called more frequently.

This approach should help you debounce requests in Ruby on Rails using the concurrent-ruby gem. Note that this example is just a starting point and can be further improved by adding error handling, logging, and other features depending on your specific use case.

Example: Using the rack-attack gem to Debounce Requests

rack-attack is a gem designed for rate limiting and throttling requests to your Ruby on Rails application. While it doesn't directly debounce requests, it can help you achieve a similar effect by limiting the number of requests per time period.

Here’s how you can use rack-attack to throttle requests in your Rails application:

Add the rack-attack gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install:

gem 'rack-attack'

Create a new initializer for rack-attack:

# config/initializers/rack_attack.rb
require 'rack/attack'

class Rack::Attack
throttle('debounce_requests', limit: 1, period: 1) do |req|
req.ip if req.path == '/some_action' && req.get?

Rails.application.config.middleware.use Rack::Attack

In the example above, we configure rack-attack to throttle requests to the '/some_action' endpoint with a limit of 1 request per second. The throttle block takes a unique key (in this case, 'debounce_requests') and a set of options defining the limit and period for the throttle.

Add the throttling message (optional):

You may want to customize the response when a request is throttled. You can do this by setting the Rack::Attack.throttled_response:

# config/initializers/rack_attack.rb
# ...

Rack::Attack.throttled_response = lambda do |env|
retry_after = (env['rack.attack.match_data'] || {})[:period]
{ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Retry-After' => retry_after.to_s },
[{ error: 'Throttled', message: 'Too many requests, please try again later.' }.to_json]

# ...

In this example, we return a 429 status code (Too Many Requests) with a custom JSON error message when a request is throttled.

Update the endpoint in your controller:

# app/controllers/some_controller.rb
class SomeController < ApplicationController
def some_action
# Your code that was previously debounced
render json: { message: 'Request processed' }

By using rack-attack to throttle requests, you effectively limit the rate at which clients can access your endpoint. While this is not precisely the same as debouncing, it can still help prevent excessive requests to your server and reduce the workload on expensive operations.

Keep in mind that rack-attack is a middleware, and it doesn't have knowledge of your Rails application context, like session, current_user, etc. To achieve rate limiting based on those contexts, you may need to customize your throttle block accordingly.



Patrick Karsh
Patrick Karsh

Written by Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.

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