The Importance of Low Coupling in Ruby on Rails

Building Maintainable and Scalable Applications with Ruby on Rails

Patrick Karsh
3 min readMay 18, 2024
I think we should break up… Someone on the internet said low coupling was important.

In software engineering, the principle of low coupling is fundamental to creating modular, maintainable, and scalable applications. Low coupling means reducing the dependencies between different parts of a system so that changes in one part do not necessitate changes in another. In the context of Ruby on Rails, a popular web application framework, adhering to the principle of low coupling can significantly enhance the quality and manageability of your codebase. This article delves into the importance of low coupling and demonstrates how to achieve it in Ruby on Rails with practical examples.

Why Low Coupling Matters

Easier Maintenance: When components of an application are loosely coupled, changes in one part are less likely to affect other parts. This isolation simplifies maintenance and reduces the risk of introducing bugs when modifying the code.

Improved Testability: Loosely coupled components can be tested in isolation, leading to more reliable and efficient testing processes. This ensures that individual parts of the application function correctly without relying on the entire system.



Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.