Market Manipulation in Cryptocurrency 101

Understanding the Shadows: Navigating the Complex World of Crypto Trading Tactics

Patrick Karsh
3 min readMar 14, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, the promise of decentralized finance and digital innovation is often marred by the specter of market manipulation. Unlike traditional financial markets, which are subject to stringent regulations and oversight, the cryptocurrency market operates in a relatively unregulated space. This lack of oversight, combined with the anonymity and global nature of digital currencies, creates fertile ground for manipulative practices that can significantly distort market values and investor perceptions. This article explores the mechanisms of market manipulation in cryptocurrency and its implications for investors and the market at large.

The Mechanisms of Manipulation

Pump and Dump Schemes

Perhaps the most infamous form of market manipulation in the crypto space is the “pump and dump” scheme. Here, manipulators inflate the price of a cryptocurrency through misleading positive statements (the pump), only to sell off their holdings once unwitting investors have driven the price up (the dump). This practice leaves many investors with significant losses as the price crashes back down.



Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.