String Interpolation and Concatenation in Ruby

Why You Shouldn’t Use String Concatenation in Your Ruby Code: An Exploration of Clean Architecture Principles

Patrick Karsh
5 min readMay 22, 2023
The manner in which you manage your strings holds significant importance.

In the vast universe of programming, seemingly minor elements such as string concatenation can have a surprising impact on the success of a project. While often overlooked, string manipulation plays a pivotal role in clean code architecture, shaping the readability, maintainability, and performance of your software. This article aims to demystify the importance of string concatenation and interpolation in Ruby, shedding light on why these techniques matter and when you should opt for one over the other. So let’s dive into the world of Ruby string manipulation, and unveil the reasons why you might want to reconsider the use of string concatenation in your Ruby code.

Understanding String Composition

What is the difference between concatenation and interpolation?

In Ruby, concatenation and interpolation are two different techniques used to combine or manipulate strings. Concatenation is the process of joining two or more strings together end-to-end to create a new string. You can achieve this in Ruby using operators such as + or <<, or methods such as concat or join. For example, "Hello " + "World" would return "Hello World".

Interpolation, on the other hand, involves embedding expressions or variables into a string. In Ruby, this is done within a string literal, surrounded by #{}. When the string is evaluated, any interpolated parts are replaced by their corresponding evaluated expression values. For example, if we have name = "World", then "Hello #{name}" would also return "Hello World". Unlike concatenation, interpolation can accept non-string expressions, as they are automatically converted to strings when the string is evaluated.

Concatenation Examples in Ruby

Ruby, like other programming languages, offers several ways to concatenate strings.

Concatenation Examples:

Standard Operators

(+ and <<) One of the most straightforward ways to concatenate strings in Ruby:

result = "Hello, " + "World!"


Another way to concatenate strings is by using the String#concat method:

result = "Hello, ".concat("World!")


The Array#join method is also useful for concatenating strings:

result = ["Hello,", "World!"].join(" ")

Interpolation Examples in Ruby

Interpolation, another aspect of string composition, embeds expressions or variables directly within a string literal. It is a bit more advanced than concatenation, which only merges two string values.

Here’s how we can use interpolation in Ruby:

String Interpolation

String interpolation is a technique that allows you to embed expressions or variables within a string, which are automatically converted into string format and replaced by their evaluated values when the string is executed. Here is an example:

result = "#{"Hello,"} #{"World!"}"


The Kernel#sprintf method in Ruby is a function used for formatted string generation. It's akin to printf in C and other languages, providing a wide range of formatting capabilities, but instead of printing the formatted string, it returns it.

Here’s how you use it:

formatted_string = sprintf("This is a string: %s and this is a number: %d", "Hello!", 42)

In this case, the formatted_string would end up as "This is a string: Hello! and this is a number: 42".

The Kernel#sprintf method supports a broad range of format specifiers, allowing you to control how different types of variables (like integers, floats, and strings) are formatted in the output string. This includes setting the width of fields, specifying the precision of floats, padding numbers with leading zeros, among other things.

The Importance of String Composition

Strings serve as the cornerstone in numerous production scenarios due to their diverse range of applications. For instance, they act as the basis for data representation, encapsulating various elements such as users, files, messages, paths, and IDs. Localization efforts also rely on strings for accommodating different languages, translations, and cultural nuances. String composition plays a pivotal role in validation and search processes, as it supports the application of business logic, such as matching users by identical IDs. Logging activities necessitate strings for the tracking of error messages, exceptions, or checkpoints. Communication operations employ strings for serialization, encoding, or establishing database connections. Notably, the critical nature of string composition becomes unmissable in the contexts of logging and communication.

Why Interpolation is usually better

In most cases, string interpolation is the preferred method for combining strings or variables into a string in Ruby. This is due to a few reasons:

  • Interpolation is more concise and readable. When your strings contain several variables or expressions, interpolation keeps the string readable and easier to maintain.
  • Interpolation automatically converts non-string values to strings. If you are working with variables that aren’t always strings, interpolation will handle the conversion for you. If you were to use concatenation, you would have to manually call `.to_s` on any non-string variables.
  • Interpolation is generally faster. While the speed difference is minor and wouldn’t be noticeable unless you’re working with very large strings or performing the operation many times, it’s still worth noting.

When to use concatenation

That being said, there are a few cases where you might use concatenation:

  • When working with very large strings: Since concatenation can be more memory efficient in some cases, you might opt for it when dealing with very large strings. This is because each interpolated string generates a new string object, which can consume a lot of memory if the strings are large.
  • When modifying an existing string: If you want to add to an existing string without creating a new one, you can use the `<<` operator, which modifies the original string.

Remember that readability and maintainability should be your primary concerns, so use the method that makes your code clearer in its specific context.


In conclusion, understanding and implementing proper string manipulation techniques, such as concatenation and interpolation, are crucial in any programming language, including Ruby. It’s important to note that while string concatenation might seem innocuous and straightforward, it can impact the performance and clarity of your code, and thus, should be used judiciously. String interpolation in Ruby often offers a more efficient, readable, and safe way to handle strings in your codebase, with added benefits such as automatic conversion of non-string values and better performance.

However, it’s also essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution in programming. There are situations where string concatenation might be a better choice, such as when dealing with very large strings or when you want to modify an existing string directly. As a developer, your task is to discern which approach suits your needs best, considering factors such as the specific requirements of your code, its readability, and the resources at your disposal.



Patrick Karsh
Patrick Karsh

Written by Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.

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