From Rome to Today: The Significance of Memento Mori

An Exploration of How the Ancient Practice of Contemplating Mortality Remains Relevant Today

Patrick Karsh
6 min readMay 10, 2023
Memento mori

Memento mori, a Latin phrase that translates to “remember that you will die,” has been used for centuries as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of death. In ancient Rome, it was a common practice to display objects or images that symbolized death in order to encourage people to live in the present moment and make the most of their time on earth. Today, the practice of memento mori continues to be relevant as a philosophical concept that can help us prioritize what truly matters and find fulfillment in our lives. In this article, we will explore the significance of memento mori, how it relates to Stoicism, and how contemplating mortality can have a profound impact on our well-being and productivity, both in our personal lives and in the workplace.

What Does Momento Mori Mean?

“Memento Mori” is a Latin phrase that translates to “remember that you will die.” It is a reminder of the impermanence of life and the inevitability of death. This phrase was often used in ancient Rome as a reminder of the fragility of life and to encourage people to live in the present moment and make the most of their time on earth. Today, “memento mori” is still used as a philosophical concept, and it can serve as a reminder to prioritize what’s truly important and to live life to the fullest while we can.

How Can Contemplating Momento Mori Help With Anxiety?

Memento mori, the practice of contemplating one’s mortality, can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Here are a few ways that it can help:

Puts things in perspective

Often, we become anxious about trivial matters or things that are outside of our control. By contemplating our mortality, we can recognize that these things are not as important as we may have thought. This can help to put things in perspective and reduce our anxiety.

Helps to overcome fear

Fear is often driven by the unknown, and death is perhaps the ultimate unknown. By contemplating death, we can confront our fear of the unknown and become more comfortable with the idea of uncertainty. This can help us to approach life with greater courage and confidence.

Encourages mindfulness

Contemplating mortality can help us to stay present in the moment and appreciate the beauty of life. By recognizing that life is finite, we can savor each moment and make the most of our time on earth.

Promotes gratitude

Finally, contemplating mortality can help us to feel grateful for the people and experiences in our lives. By recognizing that life is fleeting, we can appreciate the people we love and the moments that bring us joy. This can help to reduce anxiety and promote a sense of well-being.

Overall, the practice of memento mori can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety and promoting a sense of well-being. By contemplating our mortality, we can put things in perspective, overcome fear, stay present in the moment, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for the precious moments of life.

Bro think of your mortality

When Did The Phrase Momento Mori Originate?

The phrase “memento mori” has been used for centuries and its exact origin is not known. However, it is believed to have originated in ancient Rome, where it was a common practice to display objects or images that symbolized death, such as skulls or hourglasses, in order to remind people of their mortality. The phrase itself was likely used in this context as a reminder to enjoy life while it lasts and not to take one’s existence for granted. The concept of memento mori has since been incorporated into various cultural and religious traditions and continues to be relevant today as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life.

How Does Momento Mori Relate Stoicism?

Memento mori is closely related to Stoicism, which is a philosophical school of thought that originated in ancient Greece and was later adopted by the Romans. Stoicism emphasizes the importance of living in accordance with nature, accepting what cannot be changed, and focusing on what is within our control.

The concept of memento mori is in line with Stoic teachings in that it encourages individuals to contemplate their own mortality and to accept the inevitability of death. By recognizing that our time on earth is limited, we are reminded to focus on what truly matters and to live our lives with purpose and meaning.

The Stoic philosopher Seneca wrote extensively about the concept of memento mori and how it can be used as a tool for living a good life. He believed that by keeping the thought of death in mind, we are better able to appreciate the present moment and to avoid becoming overly attached to material possessions or worldly success.

In essence, memento mori is a Stoic reminder that life is fleeting and that we should make the most of the time we have by living virtuously and focusing on what truly matters.

What Did Seneca Say About Momento Mori?

Seneca, a prominent Stoic philosopher, wrote extensively about the concept of memento mori and its significance in Stoic philosophy. In his essay “On the Shortness of Life,” Seneca emphasizes the importance of recognizing our own mortality in order to live a fulfilling life.

He writes, “Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day. … The one who puts the finishing touches on their life each day is never short of time.”

Seneca believed that by keeping the thought of death in mind, we can appreciate the present moment and make the most of our time on earth. He argued that it is easy to become distracted by trivial matters or to waste time on activities that do not bring us true fulfillment. By reminding ourselves of our own mortality, we can focus on what truly matters and live a virtuous life.

Furthermore, Seneca argued that contemplating death can also help us to overcome fear and anxiety. By accepting the inevitability of death, we can approach life with a sense of calm and equanimity.

In essence, Seneca believed that memento mori is an essential part of Stoic philosophy, and that by keeping the thought of death in mind, we can live a more fulfilling, virtuous, and meaningful life.

Virtuous AF here


In conclusion, memento mori, the practice of contemplating one’s mortality, can serve as a powerful reminder to live life to the fullest and focus on what truly matters. Whether we are struggling with anxiety, seeking greater meaning and purpose in our work, or simply looking to live a more fulfilling life, the practice of memento mori can provide us with a new perspective on the precious nature of life. By recognizing the fleeting nature of our existence and the inevitability of death, we can cultivate greater gratitude, mindfulness, and courage, and approach life with a sense of purpose and meaning. Whether we are ancient Romans or modern-day individuals, the practice of memento mori can help us to make the most of our time on earth and live a life that truly matters.



Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.