Dynamic Programming in Ruby: Mastering Ruby

Unlocking Efficient Problem-Solving with Overlapping Subproblems

Patrick Karsh
3 min readOct 11, 2023

In the vast realm of algorithms and problem-solving, there’s a beacon known as “dynamic programming.” This formidable technique is a cornerstone of optimization, particularly when the straightforward or brute force methods are glaringly inefficient. Within the Ruby ecosystem, dynamic programming not only enhances your code’s performance but also its elegance. This article provides a comprehensive exploration into understanding and employing dynamic programming in Ruby.

What is Dynamic Programming?

Dynamic programming (DP) is a structured approach to solve complex problems by fragmenting them into more digestible sub-problems. The primary revelation behind DP is the recurring theme of overlapping subproblems in many computational challenges. This essentially implies that while addressing a primary problem, you encounter the same sub-problems repeatedly. By caching these sub-problem outcomes and referencing them as needed, we sidestep repetitive calculations and boost efficiency.

Steps to Approach a Dynamic Programming Problem

Step One: Understand the Problem’s Core

Before plunging into coding or even pondering over DP, it’s imperative to deeply understand the problem. Reflect upon:

  • Can this problem be dissected into tinier fragments?
  • Do these fragments amalgamate to offer the overarching solution?
  • Are there recurring sub-problems?

Drawing out the problem, creating illustrative examples, and identifying patterns can be immensely helpful. These patterns frequently hint at the problem’s recursive essence, signaling that DP might be the optimal route.

Step Two: Embark with Recursion

If the problem initially appears intricate, simplify your approach. Start with recursion. Recursive methods naturally disintegrate problems, highlighting overlapping sub-problems. However, this can also introduce redundancy.

For instance, with the Fibonacci sequence, it’s evident that fib(n) leans on fib(n-1) and fib(n-2). A simplistic recursive method can redundantly compute values, escalating the time complexity exponentially.

Step Three: Adopt Memoization

Having laid out a recursive framework, the next step is refinement. Memoization is the art of preserving the results of overlapping sub-problems to avert repetitive calculations. In Ruby, this can be adeptly achieved using arrays or hashes.

Consider this memoized Fibonacci sequence in Ruby:

def fib(n, memo = {})
return memo[n] if memo.key?(n)
return n if n <= 2
memo[n] = fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo)

Here, a hash (memo) is employed to cache previously deduced results. By verifying if a result for a particular n is already cached in memo, we steer clear of redundant calculations.

Step Four: Explore the Iterative Bottom-Up Approach

While the top-down or recursive tactic is instinctive, there’s a case to be made for the inverse: the bottom-up method. This iterative strategy initiates from the foundational cases and incrementally constructs the solution.

Here’s how the Fibonacci sequence can be iteratively derived in Ruby:

def fib(n)
return n if n <= 2
a, b = 1, 1
3.upto(n) { |i| a, b = b, a + b }

This methodology, not being reliant on recursion, is often more space-efficient and leads to cleaner, more transparent code.

Step Five: Relentlessly Optimize Space

Post crafting your dynamic programming solution, the journey isn’t over. Scrutinize its space consumption. In numerous cases, there’s no need for an extensive cache — just a subset suffices.

Returning to the Fibonacci example, instead of an extensive array or hash, a mere duo of variables suffices, thereby trimming the space complexity from O(n) to O(1). Such refinements are a staple in dynamic programming, warranting consistent vigilance.


Dynamic programming, while seemingly formidable, becomes intuitive with persistence. The more challenges you tackle via this methodology, the more adept you become at discerning underlying patterns. Whether you’re a neophyte or a Ruby savant, harnessing dynamic programming can substantially augment your problem-solving acumen. Always remember: comprehending the problem is half the conquest. With tools like recursion, memoization, and iterative strategies in your arsenal, you’re amply equipped to navigate even the most intricate of computational mazes.



Patrick Karsh
Patrick Karsh

Written by Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering. https://linktr.ee/patrickkarsh

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