Crafting the Perfect Software Engineer Resume

A Guide for Job Seekers in the United States

Patrick Karsh
7 min readApr 27, 2023
America is number 1


As a software engineer looking for jobs in the United States, crafting a well-formatted resume is critical for making a great first impression and landing your dream job. A well-structured resume highlights your skills, experience, and achievements, allowing recruiters to quickly assess your suitability for the role. In this article, we will guide you through formatting your resume, helping you stand out in the competitive job market.

United States Specific Resume Tips

Resume writing tips specific to the United States:

  • Personal information: Do not include personal details such as age, marital status, ethnicity, religion, or a photograph, as these are considered irrelevant and potentially discriminatory.
  • One-page resume: Aim for a one-page resume, especially for entry-level or mid-level positions. For senior or highly experienced professionals, a two-page resume may be acceptable.
  • Use reverse chronological order: List your work experiences in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position.
  • Education: Include your highest level of education or degree obtained, the name of the institution, location, and graduation date or expected date.
  • Formatting: Use a clean, easy-to-read font, consistent formatting, and appropriate spacing throughout your resume. Avoid using excessive colors or graphics.

Remember that these tips are specific to the United States, and resume writing practices may vary in other countries.

Choose the Right Resume Format

Selecting the right resume format is the first step to showcase your qualifications effectively. There are three main resume formats to choose from:

Chronological: This format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, placing the most recent job first. It is ideal for candidates with a strong work history and linear career progression.

Functional: This format emphasizes your skills and achievements instead of work history. It is suitable for those with limited work experience or career gaps.

Hybrid: This format combines the best of both chronological and functional resumes. It highlights your skills and achievements while also presenting your work history.

As a software engineer, the hybrid format is often the best choice, as it showcases both your technical skills and relevant experience.

Craft a Compelling Header

The header should include your name, phone number, email address, and a link to your LinkedIn profile or personal website (if applicable). Ensure that your email address is professional and not overly informal.

Write a Strong Objective or Summary Statement

A concise and focused objective or summary statement helps recruiters quickly understand your career goals and qualifications. For a software engineer, this might include your programming languages, years of experience, and any areas of specialization.

Example: “Software Engineer with 5 years of experience in full-stack development, skilled in Python, Java, and JavaScript. Seeking a challenging role in a growth-oriented organization to leverage my expertise in web and mobile application development.”

Showcase Your Skills and Technical Expertise

As a software engineer, your technical skills are paramount. Create a dedicated skills section to list your programming languages, frameworks, databases, tools, and platforms. Be specific and include your proficiency level in each skill.


  • Programming Languages: Python (Expert), Java (Advanced), JavaScript (Intermediate)
  • Frameworks: Django, Angular, React
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Highlight Your Work Experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent job. For each role, include the company name, location, job title, and the duration of your employment. Focus on your achievements and quantify them when possible. Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments.


  • Developed a web application that improved processing time by 40% using Python and Django.
  • Led a team of 5 software engineers in designing and implementing a mobile app that gained 50,000 users within 3 months.

Include Relevant Education and Certifications

List your educational qualifications, starting with the highest degree. Include the name of the institution, the degree earned, and the year of completion. Also, mention relevant certifications, such as AWS Certified Developer or Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer.

The best bullet points

Rules for Formatting Resume Bullet Points

When formatting resume bullet points, it’s essential to follow certain rules to ensure your resume is clear, concise, and effective. Here are some rules along with examples and counter-examples:

Rule: Start each bullet point with an action verb.

Begin each bullet point with a powerful action verb, such as “managed,” “developed,” or “implemented,” to demonstrate your accomplishments and responsibilities.

  • Example: “Managed a team of 5 marketing professionals.”
  • Counter-example: “I was the manager for a team of 5 marketing professionals.”

Rule: Quantify your achievements whenever possible

Whenever possible, use numbers or percentages to quantify your accomplishments, as this provides concrete evidence of your capabilities.

  • Example: “Increased sales by 15% within the first six months.”
  • Counter-example: “Increased sales during my time in the position.”

Rule: Keep bullet points concise and to the point

Keep your bullet points brief, ideally no more than two lines. Use clear and straightforward language to convey your experiences and skills.

  • Example: “Developed and implemented a new customer service training program.”
  • Counter-example: “I was in charge of the whole process of developing and implementing a new customer service training program that helped our team improve their skills.”

Rule: Use parallel structure in your bullet points

Maintain consistency in your bullet points by using the same verb tense and grammatical structure throughout.

  • Example: “Coordinated events, managed budgets, and supervised staff.”
  • Counter-example: “Coordinated events, budget management, and was supervising staff.”

Rule: Focus on results and impact rather than just listing tasks

Emphasize the impact of your actions by mentioning the results or outcomes of your efforts. This will demonstrate your effectiveness and value to potential employers.

  • Example: “Streamlined the invoicing process, reducing errors by 25%.”
  • Counter-example: “Responsible for handling the invoicing process.”

Rule: Tailor your bullet points to match the job requirements

  • Example (for a project management position): “Led a cross-functional team to deliver a project within budget and on schedule.”
  • Counter-example (for a project management position): “Assisted in designing marketing materials.”

By following these rules, your resume bullet points will be more effective and better communicate your accomplishments and qualifications to potential employers.

What are some things you should NEVER mention on your resume in the US?

In the United States, there are certain pieces of information that are considered inappropriate or irrelevant for a resume. Including these can harm your chances of getting an interview or even lead to potential discrimination. Here are some things you should avoid mentioning on your resume:

Personal details: Refrain from including information such as your age, date of birth, marital status, religion, or sexual orientation. These are irrelevant to your qualifications for the job and can lead to discrimination.

Unprofessional email address: Ensure that the email address you provide is professional and not overly informal. Use a combination of your first and last name or initials to create a professional email address.

Irrelevant hobbies and interests: Unless your hobbies and interests are directly related to the job or showcase valuable transferable skills, it’s best to leave them off your resume.

Complete mailing address: In the age of digital communication, your complete mailing address is unnecessary. Including only your city and state is sufficient to give employers a general idea of your location.

Salary expectations or history: Disclosing your salary expectations or history on your resume is not recommended. Salary negotiations should take place later in the hiring process.

Reasons for leaving past jobs: Do not include reasons for leaving your previous jobs on your resume. This can be discussed during an interview if asked by the employer.

References: It is not necessary to list references or include the phrase “References available upon request.” Employers will typically ask for references if they are interested in moving forward with your application.

Excessive personal pronouns: Avoid using personal pronouns such as “I,” “me,” or “my” in your resume. Instead, use action verbs and focus on your accomplishments.

Negative information: Keep your resume positive by avoiding any negative information about past employers, colleagues, or job experiences.

Outdated or irrelevant experience: Focus on including recent and relevant work experience on your resume. Older positions or experience unrelated to the job you’re applying for can make your resume appear unfocused.

By avoiding these items on your resume, you can create a polished and professional document that effectively showcases your skills, experience, and qualifications for the job.

If you were her you would make more


Formatting your resume as a software engineer is crucial to landing your ideal job in the United States. By following these tips and tailoring your resume to the specific role, you can improve your chances of standing out from the competition and securing that coveted interview.



Patrick Karsh

NYC-based Ruby on Rails and Javascript Engineer leveraging AI to explore Engineering.